Friday, November 2, 2012

Entering Motherhood

The day I found out I was pregnant was the best and scariest day of my life. I couldn't believe it!! I took three test just to make sure and got a blood test just to double make sure. After the initial shock and the fact that my husband was beyond excited I was on cloud 9. I was going to become a mother.

When I was younger I always dreamed of being a mom...what little girl doesn't. The fact that it was actually happening and a baby was on its way was amazing. The next 9 months were the best, scariest, longest, and most wonderful months of my life.

There are a few highlights of being pregnant. One you can eat whatever you want :) Two the day you hear the baby's heart beat. Three the day you see her for the first time in a ultrasound. Four the day you find out the sex and last but not least the day she is born.

I remember that day all to well since it was only 3 weeks ago. I started having contractions the day before but didn't realize what they were so the next day I googled them and started timing them. My husband kept asking if he should go into work or not and I said yes well about 30 mins later I called saying come back home since the contractions were 5-6 mins apart. We went to the hospital and checked in at 8:18am and by 6:34pm she was here!!!

I'm starting this blog as a way to keep my family and friends in the loop as to what is going on in our lives and to document this wonderful thing called Motherhood!! I plan on documenting all of our important events and many many pics of Rosalynn!!

Rosalynn Fear Holden
7lbs 20 1/4 in

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