Friday, June 27, 2014

One Day at a Time

This week has been anything but easy (well I had one good day.) When I found out I was pregnant with Moss I was told being a mom of two under two would be hard. They weren't kidding. This week has been proof of that.

Mondays usually suck because well there Mondays and Kevin goes back to work. Rosalynn has been hitting those "terrible twos" a little bit early. Lets just say I don't know how I have a voice left by the end of the day. Tantrums have become a regularity in our household.

Tuesday was the good day I was talking about. I recently decided to join a local mom group. On Tuesday I went to our local kids interactive center to meet the moms and their little ones. Rosalynn had a blast playing with all the toys and climbing up the slide. Yes you read right climbing up. By the time we got home she was ready for her nap and knocked out. She took a nice long nap..YAY!

Wednesday and Thursday was another story. She did anything and everything she could to piss me off and then some. She loves climbing on top of stuff and jumping off them. Getting into things she knows she can't play with and just being a little terror. Don't let the cute face fool you.

She loves testing her boundaries and my patience. For some reason she has a need to pull out every single baby wipe from the box, all of the diapers spread all over he floor, crayons in every room, and  her potty in the living room.  Don't worry she hasn't used it yet and I don't think she knows what it's for. She just likes sitting on it with the lid down or using her crayon to make it more colorful.

We have our good days and our bad days but no two days are the same. Moss for the most part is a great baby! All he needs is milk and a clean butt and he is happy. I'm still trying to figure out his nap schedule so fingers crossed.

Don't get me wrong I love being a mom and I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm this lucky and I get to be their mom. Being a mom is the hardest yet most rewarding thing I could ever possibly do. Everyday is a new adventure and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Yay for the weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The First Month Must Haves

I have decided to start doing a list of the things that we could not live without during the first month with a newborn and toddler. I didn't add the items that Rosalynn favors or what we use to distract her (that will be in a later post) because the list could go on and on. I mainly focus on what can help during that first month. This list of course doesn't state the obvious necessities like diapers, bottles, pacis, etc. But, this is the list of the things that make MY life and mornings a bit easier.

Keurig- This is a must in our household and for this momma. I love that I can turn it on while I am getting Rosalynn's breakfast ready and press a button and Also you can program it to turn on and MAKE your coffee at a certain time. Moss is hungry and inpatient first thing in the am so I need something that works fast and makes damn good coffee. I would be a walking zombie without this.

Avent Breast Pump- Even though I have only used this once I highly recommend it. It was super easy to assemble and use. I love how it brings four bottles and comes in a handy travel bag. We decided on this pump since we are familiar with this brand and it wasn't as expensive as the others. I know once Moss gets older and his feedings become less frequent I will be using this.

Sakura Bloom- I can not say enough good things about this sling!! With Rosalynn we tried a couple of wraps and slings and they just didn't work out so I was a bit hesitant to purchase one for Moss. I asked my mommy friends and they all raved about this wrap so I made the jump and got one. I was pleasantly surprised. It is EASY to use and very lightweight. Moss enjoys is and it comes in handy when going to the store with two little ones. 

Lansinoh Breast Pads- If you are breast feeding then you know how wonderful these are. They do a great job at keeping your shirt dry and they don't look bumpy or make you look like you have pointy nipples under your shirt. 

Nap Nanny- Before you say anything yes I know they have been recalled and are discontinued. We got this when Rosalynn was little and she was giving us a problem sleeping and boy did it work!! She loved it and would fall right asleep as soon as she was in it. We never left her unattended and followed all the rules. Moss now sleeps in it and he sleeps like an angel.

Monkey Bouncer- Hello life saver!!!! This has become my favorite baby item! We originally were going to use Rosalynn's old swing but with a toddler running around decided against it and purchased this. We keep it on top of our couch so its not as easy for Rosalynn to climb over or bother the baby when he is sleeping. It has some great features like songs, noises, and a vibrating setting but we hardly use those. He just falls right asleep. Also when Rosalynn and I are on the floor playing I am able to put it on the floor and he can see what his big sister is doing and she can give him kisses. 

Boppy Pillow- This pillow should be a staple in any registry and nursery. I use this mostly while breastfeeding Moss. It gives me the ability to have my hands free just in case Rosalynn needs something or I'm eating (which is all the time). I have used it also to lay him on his side so he isn't always on his back and also for tummy time. This time around I have used it so much more and am glad that I actually kept it.

Hope this is helpful for first time moms and soon-to-be moms. I hope these items make your day a bit easier and gives you more time to enjoy your little ones. 

Here is a picture of the Boppy pillow in action thanks to Rosalynn and a cute one of Moss.
It's almost the weekend.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rosalynn 20 Months

Age: 20 Months (only 4 more to go)
Stats: 27lbs. & 34 inches
Clothes: Rosalynn is mostly wearing 2T but can still fit into some 18-24 months.  Her feet have FINALLY grown so she is now a size 5. She loves trying to put them on herself and gets mad if they are taken off (unless we are in the car). She has shown interest in picking out her own clothes which consists mostly of pjs or whatever is in the hamper.  

Favorite Foods: We have a picky eater on our hands so her favorite foods mostly consists of junk food. Chicken nuggets either from Wendy's or McDonalds, cookies of all kinds (Oreos, animal crackers, chocolate chips.) Cereal, yogurt, goldfishes, BACON. Anything Kevin is eating she'll try once. Smoothies are a new favorite thing which is great because I can get her to "eat" some veggies. She won't say no to anything with a straw. Fruit has also been a favorite but she varies form day to day on which ones she likes. MILK is a staple in her diet and she could drink that all day. She is mostly a snacker and it's hard to get her to seat still long enough to eat a whole meal.
Activities:  She loves to read!! She sits down anywhere and flips through the pages and "reads". She even uses her little finger to trace the sentences and reads them outloud. Being outside, popping bubbles, kicking the ball, running, watching Bubble Guppies, and anything that involves water. Her grandparents got her a water table and it was a huge hit. Her new thing is giving her brother kisses, playing with his feet and testing her boundaries and my patience.

Words: Rosalynn has her own language. She loves to talk back when ever we reprimand her but have no clue what she is saying. She probably is saying every bad word in the book and telling us to go to hell.  She loves to say "thank you" every time you give her something or take something away. She repeats what we say only if she thinks its funny. She started calling Kevin "papa" instead of "dada" and she calls Chewy by barking at him. We can't wait until her vocabulary gets more extensive.

Favorite Things: REMOTE CONTROLS!!  We have no clue where this obsession came from but she loves to press the buttons and run around waving them in the air.  In our household she gets in trouble for playing with them but that doesn't stop her from trying. Talking on her cellphone, playing with her block letters and crayons.  Playing with her bouncy ball...well any kind of ball actually. Our favorite game is her throwing the ball at me whenever I'm busy and me throwing it down the hall and she chasing it. Yes that's right I play fetch with my daughter. I can't wait until these rainy days stop so that we can be outside more.

By far this is our favorite age so far. She has such a sassy little personality and can give you the meanest look and two seconds later give you the sweetest smile. She has slowly become a daddy's girl and follows his around everywhere. Kevin loves it. We can't wait to see what new, crazy things she comes up with next.

Leaving you guys with a few of my favorite pics this week.  Hope you all have a great day and it's almost the weekend!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

It's been a while and a lot has happened

 I had originally started this blog so my family and friends could keep up to with us and also so when Rosalynn and now Moss get old enough they can go back and read these posts and get another view of their childhood. I haven't kept up to date with it like I had originally intended because well life and lack of computer got in the way. The other day as I was reading one of my favorite blogs I realized I was just making excuses and that there was nothing stopping me from keeping up with this blog but myself. So as I am typing this I have a toddle who is running around like a mad woman terrorizing the dog and a newborn who amazingly has been napping in his own bed for almost an hour now. Life can get in the way of things you want to do only if you let it. So as of today I am determined to not let it happen.  

So with that being said lets take a stroll down the last few months...

Since the last time I posted we have celebrated a toddler turning one, moved, celebrated a wedding anniversary, and added a new addition to our family. It has been an eventful few months. 

Born May 6, 2014 
21 1/3 in long
7lbs 15oz

Being a family of four has been a wonderful whirlwind. I didn't know how I was going to be able to do it when Kevin went back to work but I have managed. Some days are better than others but I wouldn't change a thing about them. I have done things differently this time around as a mom but that is for a later post.
Well the little one is waking up so its time for me to go. Have to figure out whats for dinner.
Hope every one is having a great Monday.