Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Schedule

We here in the Holden household have decided to slowly put Rosalynn in a new schedule. It's not much different from the one she had before, the only difference is putting her down for her naps two hrs after she wakes up rather than 3. The reason for this minor change is that she would sometimes end up missing her second nap because she wanted to take it at 4 or 5pm and then she wouldn't go to bed till late or she would miss her second nap and have a horrible nights sleep due to being over tired. 

2am and finally went to bed..
I decided to give is a go yesterday thinking it was not going to go well and she was not going to be up for it...well I was wrong!!! To my surprise it went well and this being the second day it still is working :) Hope I'm not jinxing myself. 

This is how yesterday went....

8:00am | Woke up (left her in her a crib for a few while I woke up and got coffee going)

9:30am | Breakfast (she is just like me and does not like eating as soon as she wakes up)

10:30am | Down for 1st nap

12:30pm | Awake and ready for some lunch

3:00pm | Down for 2nd nap although she only slept for about and hr

4:00pm | Walmart run for some baby items and fresh air

5:00pm | Dinner time

7:30pm | Bath time

8:00pm | Nighttime bottle w cereal and then bed time!!!

Usually she wakes up 4-5 times a night looking for her paci but last night she only woke up once MAYBE twice but I think the first time I was either dreaming it or had to potty lol. I finally had what I consider a good night sleep so I didn't mind it when she woke up 2 hrs early today at 7am. I think something woke her up because she was still sleepy so I just made sure I wore her out by playing playing playing so she would take a nice long nap. So far this she schedule has worked and she seems to be more energized and alert. Now hopefully we can get her to crawl!! The other day she almost pulled herself up!! She is growing up so fast.  

It's snack time so while she is having Puffs ill be having a beer. Yes I said beer...I think I deserve it :)

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