Friday, June 27, 2014

One Day at a Time

This week has been anything but easy (well I had one good day.) When I found out I was pregnant with Moss I was told being a mom of two under two would be hard. They weren't kidding. This week has been proof of that.

Mondays usually suck because well there Mondays and Kevin goes back to work. Rosalynn has been hitting those "terrible twos" a little bit early. Lets just say I don't know how I have a voice left by the end of the day. Tantrums have become a regularity in our household.

Tuesday was the good day I was talking about. I recently decided to join a local mom group. On Tuesday I went to our local kids interactive center to meet the moms and their little ones. Rosalynn had a blast playing with all the toys and climbing up the slide. Yes you read right climbing up. By the time we got home she was ready for her nap and knocked out. She took a nice long nap..YAY!

Wednesday and Thursday was another story. She did anything and everything she could to piss me off and then some. She loves climbing on top of stuff and jumping off them. Getting into things she knows she can't play with and just being a little terror. Don't let the cute face fool you.

She loves testing her boundaries and my patience. For some reason she has a need to pull out every single baby wipe from the box, all of the diapers spread all over he floor, crayons in every room, and  her potty in the living room.  Don't worry she hasn't used it yet and I don't think she knows what it's for. She just likes sitting on it with the lid down or using her crayon to make it more colorful.

We have our good days and our bad days but no two days are the same. Moss for the most part is a great baby! All he needs is milk and a clean butt and he is happy. I'm still trying to figure out his nap schedule so fingers crossed.

Don't get me wrong I love being a mom and I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm this lucky and I get to be their mom. Being a mom is the hardest yet most rewarding thing I could ever possibly do. Everyday is a new adventure and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Yay for the weekend!

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