Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Holden Family Updates

So I haven't written in a while because I had absolutely no clue what to write about and also we have been busy around her.  New things are happening for my little family..some exciting things!!! 

Come July 15th our little Rosalynn will be going to Daycare!! I am excited well happy about it. The reason for this decision is that I will be going back into the workforce full time. It's going to be a little weird to go back to work since I haven't really worked in about 9 months. I have been a stay at home mom and I have loved it. It is hard but so yet rewarding and fun. It's going to get some getting use to not having her with me all the time and always being there :( It is definitely bitter sweet. 

                                                      On a lighter note...

We official have a CRAWLER!!!!
One day she was scooting backwards and not really going anywhere to now crawling all over the place fast and trying to get into everything.
This is her favorite thing to do..crawling to her jumper and trying to stand up.
I just can't believe how fast things happen. I am so lucky to have been able to be at home with her to be able to see all of these wonderful milestones.

Tomorrow is July 4th and my parents are having their annual 4th of July party and I can't wait for that. This same time last year I was 7 months pregnant and anxiously awaiting my baby girl. Also a little upset since I couldn't have any beer with my burger while Kevin was dunking empty cans into the basketball net. This time if the weather permits it Ill be the one dunking them :) 

                 Starting the festivities early with a festive straw in my ice coffee!!!

Straw is from Spiral Sage

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

                  We are wishing a Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there.
To my dad, Pops, you are the most amazing, lovable, patient, sarcastic person in
                   the world. Rosalynn is lucky to have a grandfather like you. She is
                                                 going to love her Papi!!

                                          And to my wonderful husband.

Hooray to the most unselfish & hardworking guy I know.  
To the guy that comes home after working 12+ hours and sits on the floor and rolls around and play with Rosalynn. To the guy that lets me drag everywhere on Saturdays and Sundays when all he wants to do is rest and watch tv. To the guy who rather watch Dora the Explorer and Bubble Guppies on repeat than play his video games just so Rozzy could be happy. 
There isn't a thing he wouldn't do for his girls and we are lucky to him.
Rosalynn is one lucky girl to have you as a daddy


Happy Father's Day Babe!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

8 Months and Counting....

WOW!!! That was the word that came to mind when I woke up this morning. Well more like when Rosalynn woke me up squealing and talking to her teddy bear. My baby girl, our princess is 8 months old today!!! I can't believe she is that old. It doesn't seem like its been that long. Where did the time go??? 

Everyday I fall more and more in love with her even when she does wake up in the middle of the night looking for the paci she happens to be holding...grr. When I look at her I expect to see that tiny little 7lb baby not this talking, somewhat crawling, lovable, happy baby. She is growing up too fast and I do not like it. I want my little peanut back. We are lucky to have such a happy, smiling, hyper baby and even though she sometimes has WAY too much energy for me I wouldn't have her any other way :)

I am so over the moon with her!! She is standing up!!! She needs something to hold on to but it's a start! Still no crawling though lol. Today was a great day!! I have some great news coming up so stay tune ;)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Schedule

We here in the Holden household have decided to slowly put Rosalynn in a new schedule. It's not much different from the one she had before, the only difference is putting her down for her naps two hrs after she wakes up rather than 3. The reason for this minor change is that she would sometimes end up missing her second nap because she wanted to take it at 4 or 5pm and then she wouldn't go to bed till late or she would miss her second nap and have a horrible nights sleep due to being over tired. 

2am and finally went to bed..
I decided to give is a go yesterday thinking it was not going to go well and she was not going to be up for it...well I was wrong!!! To my surprise it went well and this being the second day it still is working :) Hope I'm not jinxing myself. 

This is how yesterday went....

8:00am | Woke up (left her in her a crib for a few while I woke up and got coffee going)

9:30am | Breakfast (she is just like me and does not like eating as soon as she wakes up)

10:30am | Down for 1st nap

12:30pm | Awake and ready for some lunch

3:00pm | Down for 2nd nap although she only slept for about and hr

4:00pm | Walmart run for some baby items and fresh air

5:00pm | Dinner time

7:30pm | Bath time

8:00pm | Nighttime bottle w cereal and then bed time!!!

Usually she wakes up 4-5 times a night looking for her paci but last night she only woke up once MAYBE twice but I think the first time I was either dreaming it or had to potty lol. I finally had what I consider a good night sleep so I didn't mind it when she woke up 2 hrs early today at 7am. I think something woke her up because she was still sleepy so I just made sure I wore her out by playing playing playing so she would take a nice long nap. So far this she schedule has worked and she seems to be more energized and alert. Now hopefully we can get her to crawl!! The other day she almost pulled herself up!! She is growing up so fast.  

It's snack time so while she is having Puffs ill be having a beer. Yes I said beer...I think I deserve it :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rosalynn's 6 Month Pictures

This is a bit overdue considering that Rosalynn will be 8 months in 9 days but I just had to share. These pics were taken by the talented Sara Wise.

She is so amazing and took such beautiful pics of Rosalynn. Of course she wouldn't really smile until Sara put down her camera but as soon as she saw it she would stop lol.

I know we are going to cherish these pictures for a long time!!! 

Pictures provided by Sara Wise Photography.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Weddings, Birthdays, and Holidays

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. I always say I want to keep this blog up to date but I don't seem to be doing such a great job at that. Ill try and be better at that. 

On April 27th, Kevin and I got married again!! This time we were able to do it in front of friends and family. The week before the wedding was the most stressful week of my life especially since i have to be in control of everything. I finally calmed down when I saw my bridesmaids and they told me that there is nothing I can do about it now so just chill out and enjoy it. (There might have been a few curse words added.)

The day of wedding I woke up calm as a cucumber and I stayed that way even when we were running behind. When it was time for Kevin and I to have our first look and I was headed out the door I sneaked into the other room and took a look in the mirror since I hadn't since hair and makeup was done. The moment I saw myself in my dress and veil is the moment I got nervous. As soon as I saw Kevin the waterworks began. He looked so handsome :) 

Fast forward to the ceremony which was amazing!! The reception was perfect and the whole night flew by without a hitch. I wish Rosalynn could have been there but at 6 months she was worn out and it was bedtime. 

More Pics to come soon.
Well Rosalynn is 7 months old!!! Time sure is flying by. Also she has a tooth!!!! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. My baby girl is growing up and I don't want her too. Everyday is something new and lately it is this squeal she does. It has become our alarm clock. I can't wait for whats next. Is it too early to start planning her 1st birthday???

Mother's Day was a success!! It was officially my first one and I was spoiled. Rosalynn slept over her nanas the day before so I was able to sleep in!! Then my amazing husband cooked the best biggest breakfast. It was delicious. I also received a beautiful card from Rosalynn and him. Then we went to his mothers house and as soon as I walked in Rozzie started squealing lol. We went out to lunch then visited Nanny Hamiltons grave. She is who Rosalynn got her middle name from...Fear. Overall it was a great day. Unfortunately we did not take any pics but it's ok this one sums up what Mother's Day is all about. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy 6 Month Bday...half way there!!

I cant believe that Rosalynn is 6 months old today. It does not feel like that long ago we were on our way to the hospital. On all of her "mini birthdays" I always get nostalgic and think about the day we found out we were pregnant, the day we found out we were having a girl, the day that Kevin picked out her name, and of course the day she was born. It's sometimes so surreal how fast time passes and before long she will be walking and talking. 

 Rosalynn is sitting on her own and just in time for her 6 month photo shoot on Saturday. I can't wait to get those pics taken and to see them!! I'm still trying to figure out what outfit to pick out and what I should wear lol. Her closet is more colorful than mine so trying to "match" is a pain in the ass. 
 I have been busy with this whole wedding planning thing that I forgot to write about Rozzie's first Easter!!! Besides it being a rainy and yucky day we actually had a great Easter. We first went to my parents house were of course she was giving a huge basket with lots of goodies. We were trying to take pics of her seating next to it but she wasn't having it. Then we went to Kevin's family house were she was giving her First Easter egg :) Pics to come once my mom emails them to me.

First Easter Basket

I promise I'll be better at this whole blogging thing and stay up-to-date with it. Enjoy these pics of Rosalynn. 

                                               Happy Hump Day... weekend is almost here :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sippy Cups and Nap Time

In the Holden household we are trying to get Rosalynn use to using a sippy cup. We knew it would be a challenge. One day during lunch I decided that today was the day. I added apple juice (don't worry its watered down) and I handed it to her. At first she was just looking at it and holding it but within seconds she started drinking from it. I was like "my child is awesome!!"  Well that didn't last long lol.
First day or Sippy cup training.
Now every time we give her the cup all she does is chew on it and make a weird face when the apple juice leaks out. She also loves banging it on the tray and throwing it down. I have not lost faith and I keep trying. Hopefully she gets it. 

On another note I cant wait till Easter!!! I have started her basket but I feel like it needs a few more things. I'll figure something out. Can't wait to put her in her Easter dress. Trying to choose between two different ones so I'll let her dad pick. :) 

Oh nap time how I miss you. Rosalynn lately only takes 20-30 mins naps!!! I don't know what happened but she hates sleeping lol. Any ideas on what I can do to make her sleep longer? I feel like she should be sleeping more than that. Thank god for Bubble Guppies and her Jumper or I would get nothing done.

Monday, March 25, 2013

It's December!!!!

It's December and I am so excited!!  Christmas is my favorite time of the year. This year it's going to be even better because I have a little one!!! We is still too young to really know what is going on but I think secretly she knows lol. I have already put on her first Christmas outfit :)

Kevin and I have already spoiled her with presents. We got her mostly clothes since you can never have enough for a 2 month old but we did get her some toys that she has already started playing with. Pics soon to come.

Rosalynn update..she is starting to smile like crazy!!! It melts my heart when she looks up at me and smiles. She is also slowly starting to have a schedule. (Will post on another blog)

Well I am looking forward to the following days until Christmas where I know she is going to be snorers with presents by her lovely grandmothers. I will leave you with our first official family pic that was taken on Thanksgiving. I need to work on getting more but only if my husband would smile lol.


Well it has been a while since I had written but as a mom of an almost 6 month old it has been super busy!! I am going to change up this blog and focus more on Rosalynn and our everyday then just a general post about her life. We'll see if I can keep it up.

 We have gone through two holidays already and are upon our third one. I have always been big about holidays but now with a little one my obsession has grown!! I love dressing her up in outfits and headbands that go with the holiday. We already have our Easter dress and headband ready to go :)

I am in the process of making her first Easter basket!! As a kid my mom would always get make my baskets instead of buying me a generic already made one and I tend to do the same with Rosalynn. I just have to get a few more things and it will be complete!! Another obsession is getting her books abut the Holiday we are celebrating. Even though she won't know what is going on in the long run she will enjoy seeing pictures of her opening up her first basket.

Here are the most recent pics of Rosalynn playing with her best buddy, watching Bubble Guppies, and talking to her Daddy at the same time. She can multitask. :)


She loves her Daddy!!!

This is priceless.